Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Everyone loves Google, its more of a second brain for us...apart from its web search, one can also search images using it. While surfing, I found out a plugin that modifies the looks of the image search..have a look

The image searching now is more fun because of the it allows for the "Flow" of the images (second pic). Just click anywhere on the screen and move the move the mouse left or right. If you click on a image you see the image magnified (like shown in the 3rd pic) and when you double click, the image will fill your screen (4th pic) and their will be buttons on the bottom side(which need no explanation)

To have this browsing experience, you need to use Mozilla Firefox as web browser (ppl using IE stop reading here!!). Visit this url : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5579
Click "Add to Firefox", restart firefox and you are ready to use it!! Now head for Google Image search and click on a small blue play button which appears the image once you move your mouse over the images shown in the search. Alternatively you can also click on blue play button just below the 'minimize' button of the window. Have fun while searching for the images (A good high speed broadband recommended.)

1 comment:

Ashish Agarwal said...

gr8 article....i just loved it